Theo Dunne (they/them b.1996) is a trans maker, crafter and story weaver of alternative realities. Pulling on the thread of folklore, and hidden queer histories, Theo builds mystical environments out of found scraps - tying together loose ends in the form of words, sounds, images, matter and movements. They translate their experiences of trans identity, grief, death and uncertainty through non-linear narratives - instead choreographing happenings and moments that invites a comforting chaos. The act of building a whole new reality as a queer person is reflected in their desire to forge a theatrical, hectic, tangible segment of a world all are welcome to visit, and perhaps stay a while.

Theo is currently artist in residence at APT Gallery in Deptford, London. 

To enquire about purchasing work, commissioning an original piece or collaborating please email theodunneart@gmail.com

